Gymnastics Policies
Our gymnastics team works diligently to provide a safe, fun and comfortable experience for all of our gymnasts.
All children ages 5 and under must be accompanied by an adult into the gym for class.
Gymnastics placement is based on ability and maturity rather than age. Age is used as a guideline. If you have questions on placement please call Jackie Buemi, Gymnastics Director.
Cancelling Classes:
The YMCA may need to cancel or combine classes due to low enrollment.
Refund Policy:
Refunds/credits will not be issued due to inclement weather or personal schedule conflicts. Credits may be given for medical reasons only, and must have Gymnastics Director’s approval.
All fees are due at the time of registration. Mail-in registration is not accepted. Fees are non-refundable.
Make Up Classes:
Make-up classes are not provided for missed classes.
All Gymnastics Classes are held at the Wausau Branch
For more information email
Jackie Buemi, Gymnastics Director
or call (715)841-1814
Gymnastics What to Wear
The YMCA strives to be a safe environment for all. To ensure safety, we will only allow the following items of clothing in the Gymnastics Gyms:
- Gymnasts do not need a gymnastics leotard, however it is recommended.
- No skirt type dance leotards, the skirt will wrap around the bar and tear.
- Gymnasts can wear capris leggings or shorts
- T-shirts must be tucked in so midriff is covered at all times
- No jeans or pants with metal snaps
- No bare midriffs allowed
- Long hair should be tied back
- No jewelry