Membership Policies
The Woodson YMCA has policies in place for the benefit, safety and welfare of our members, guests and our organization. All policies are approved by the YMCA Board of Directors.
To promote safety and comfort for all, we ask individuals to act appropriately at all times when they are in our facility or participating in our programs. We expect persons using the WOODSON YMCA to behave in a mature and responsible way and to respect the rights and dignity of others. Our Code of Conduct does not permit language or any action that can hurt or frighten another person or that falls below a generally accepted standard of conduct. Visit this link for a list of all age requirements.
To promote safety and comfort for all, we ask individuals to act appropriately at all times when they are in our facility or participating in our programs. We expect persons using the WOODSON YMCA to behave in a mature and responsible way and to respect the rights and dignity of others. Our Code of Conduct does not permit language or any action that can hurt or frighten another person or that falls below a generally accepted standard of conduct.
Specifically, this includes, but is not limited to the following:
- Appropriate attire must be worn at all times. Offensive wording on shirts or accessories is inappropriate.
- Angry or vulgar language including, but not limited to swearing and name calling.
- Unwarranted physical contact with another person in any angry, inappropriate or threatening way.
Harassment or intimidation by words, gestures, body language or any other menacing behavior. - Theft or behavior which results in the destruction of property.
Using or possessing illegal drugs or alcohol while in or on YMCA property. - Loitering is not permitted in or outside the YMCA.
- Members who are listed as registered sex offenders will have their membership terminated for the safety of the children and families in our facility.
- We reserve the right to do background checks on members.
- Members or potential members who have convictions or charges against them are subject to membership termination or membership denial.
- Members and guests are encouraged to be responsible for their personal comfort and safety.
- A member or guest who feels unsafe or uncomfortable should report the situation to a staff person.
All reported incidents will be reviewed by a Member Engagement/Asst. Operations Director, Sr. Director of Program Operations and Sr. Director of Facility Operations to decide on possible suspension or termination of membership.
• I understand that if I wish to cancel, I will provide a 30-day notice by either completing a cancellation form or by mailing in a cancellation letter. Cancellations via phone are not accepted.
• I understand that the Woodson YMCA, Inc. may make adjustments to the monthly fees with a 30 day notice. This notice can be electronic, to include an email or posting on the YMCA website, or paper notification via flyers and/or signs in common areas of the facilities.
• I understand that my photo may be taken and used in marketing materials.
If I do not wish to have my photo included, I will notify the photographer.
• Members: Children under 10 must be supervised by an adult while in our Y facilities.
Non-Members: Children under 12 must be supervised by an adult while in our Y facilities.
• Youth Track Orientation: Ages 7-15 Years must successfully complete the 15 minute orientation is required for children who want to use the track. A parent must also attend orientation with the child. Schedule an appointment at Member Service Center of either branch. Following completion of the orientation, youth ages 7-9 are allowed on the track with adult supervision. After taking the orientation, youth ages 11+ can use the track unsupervised.
• Wellness Center: Ages 12-15 Years must successfully complete the Wellness Center Orientation to use cardio equipment and weight machines in the Wellness Center. Orientation includes hands-on experience with fitness training equipment. Sign up at Member Service Center of either branch. Must be 16 years of age to use the free weights.
• Group Fitness Classes: Ages 12 and over may attend group exercise classes at either Y branch.
Membership at the Woodson YMCA is a privilege.
- No profanity
- No abusive language
- No inappropriate attire
- No smoking
- No consumption of alcohol
- No removal or damage of YMCA property.
Both Y branches, to the extent not otherwise prohibited by applicable law, reserve the right to deny, condition or revoke membership of any individual who:
- is arrested for, charged with, or convicted of sex offenses as that term is defined in Wisconsin Statute, ss 301.45 (1d)(b);
- is arrested for, charged with, or convicted of other crimes inconsistent with the values of the YMCA, including crimes involving moral turpitude or bodily harm,
- or engages in inappropriate behavior or other misconduct on or near the property of the YMCA,
- including, but not limited to, profanity, abusive language, inappropriate attire, smoking, consumption of alcohol or removal or damage of YMCA property.
- The YMCA conducts regular sex offender screenings on all members, participants, and guests. If a sex offender match occurs, the YMCA reserves the right to cancel membership, end program participation, and remove visitation access.
Membership at the Woodson YMCA is a privilege. The Woodson YMCA, to the extent not otherwise prohibited by applicable law, reserves the right to deny, condition, or revoke membership of any individual who:
• (i) is arrested for, charged with, or convicted of sex offenses as that term is defined in Wis. Stat. §301.45(1d)(b);
• (ii) is arrested for, charged with, or convicted of other crimes inconsistent with the values of the YMCA, including crimes involving moral turpitude or bodily harm; or
• (iii) engages in inappropriate behavior, or other misconduct on or near the property of the YMCA, including, but not limited to, profanity, abusive language, inappropriate attire, smoking, consumption of alcohol, or removal or damage of YMCA property.
• The YMCA conducts regular sex offender screenings on all members, participants, and guests. If a sex offender match occurs, the YMCA reserves the right to cancel membership, end program participation, and remove visitation access.
Photo Identification Policy: In order to access the facility and to register for programs and activities as a non-member guest, adults age 18 and over will be required to provide photo identification.
Proper forms of ID may include a license, passport, state ID card, military ID or student ID.
The YMCA routinely photographs and/or video/audiotapes our members and program participants in various activities.
- Some of these photos, videos and narrative accounts of member experiences may be used in our marketing, advertising, and fundraising materials.
- If you do not want to be photographed or videotaped, or your story to be used please tell the photographer/videographer.
Taking photographs and/or recording audio or video without authorization is not allowed in certain areas within the facilities.
Woodson YMCA prohibits any individual from entering our facilities or remaining on our properties while carrying a concealed weapon or firearm.
We exercise this option for the safety of our members, program participants, volunteers and staff and we appreciate your cooperation.
Attention visitors and guests, a Driver's License or Photo ID is required to access our building and obtain a Day Pass.
Youth Day Pass $10
Community members may purchase a Youth Day Pass to visit either YMCA branch.
- A waiver will be signed at the desk.
- Must be at least 12 years old to purchase the Youth Day Pass.
- We require a parent to complete the initial day pass form for youth members (between 12 and 17).
Adult Day Pass $15
Community members may purchase an Adult Day Pass to visit either YMCA branch.
Family / *Household Day Pass $20
Community members may purchase a Family Day Pass to visit either YMCA branch.
Family / *Household: One or two adults living in the same household and any of their dependents children under the age of 19 or in college (full time) up to age 25.
Non-member parents bringing children enrolled in Y programs must check-in at the front desk as they enter the Y facility.
If you wish to terminate your membership you can do so at any time. You will need to fill out the Cancelation Form at the Woodson YMCA or go to the cancelation page and fill out the online form.
- To cancel your membership, you must give the Y a 30 day written notice by emailing or giving the Cancellation Form to Member Services.
- Either bank draft or annual pay members are required to give a 30 day notice to process the cancellation.
- If you plan to immediately join another Y, we can provide you with a letter of transfer so that the joiner’s fee may be waived at the other location.
- We will still require a 30 day notice via email.
- If you do choose to rejoin at a later time you will need to repay the joiner fee.
*If you joined with a promotion, your membership includes a 6 month commitment. If you decide to cancel your membership prior to 6 months, you will have to pay the value of the promotional discount.
Memberships are billed monthly (on the 20th of each month) and are not prorated upon cancelation. If you pay via automatic withdrawal from a credit card/bank account, you will be drafted on the 20th for the current month.
- Example: If you cancel your membership on July 5th, you will be charged for the month of July on the 20th. You are a member for the entire month of July and welcome to visit the YMCA during that time.
This form is a Fillable PDF, which means you can type in your information. Once completed, save the PDF to your computer and then attach it to the email address below.
Email your completed Cancelation Form to:
This form is also printable. Once completed, bring your cancelation form into the Wausau Branch or Aspirus Branch Member Service Desk.
Or just stop in and we have Cancelation Forms available at the Member Service Desk.
A membership that is not financially assisted can be put on a temporary hold status one time per year for an unlimited number of consecutive months (minimum of 2 months).
- Your regular bank draft amount will be charged $15 for each month a membership is on hold.
- During the time your membership is on hold, YMCA facility access is not permitted.
- Please contact Member Services at 715-845-2177 to make arrangements and to sign an On Hold Agreement.
By participating in the YMCA Nationwide Membership Program, I agree to release the National Council of Young Men’s Christian Associations of the United States of America, and its independent and autonomous member associations in the United States and Puerto Rico, from claims of negligence for bodily injury or death in connection with the use of YMCA facilities, and from any liability
for other claims, including loss of property, to the fullest extent of the law.
The YMCA is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- All items turned in to the Member Service Desk will be held for three weeks.
- If not claimed, the items will be donated. Please check at the Member Service Desk for lost items.
Minors in the Woodson YMCA
- Ages 10+ Members welcome
- Ages 12+ Non-members welcome
Children younger than the specified ages must be accompanied by a guardian in the Y.
- Ages 0-12 Must be with a guardian
- Ages 12+ All are welcome
Ages 7-9 Must be with a guardian and have completed a Walking Track Orientation
Ages 10+ Walking Track Orientation is required to walk on the track unsupervised
Ages 12+ All are welcome
Active Whirlers & WYNS team welcome.
Walking Track Orientation
- Required for children ages 7-12 accompanied by their guardian.
- The orientation lasts 15 minutes.
- Register at the Member Services Desk.
Cardio & Weight Machines
- Ages 12-15 Must be with a guardian or have completed a
Wellness Center Orientation. - Ages 15+ All are welcome
- Active Whirlers & WYNS team welcome.
Wellness Center Orientation
- Required for children ages 12 -15 accompanied by their guardian.
- The orientation lasts 30-45 minutes.
- Register at the Member Services Desk.
Free Weights & Strength
- Ages 12-15 Must be with a guardian
- Ages 14-15 School certificate required if without a guardian
- Ages 16+ All are welcome
- Active Whirlers & WYNS team welcome.
Group Exercise Classes
- Ages 12-15 Must be with a guardian
- Ages 16+ All are welcome
The Y does not have a dress code, but ask that you keep in mind YMCA Christian values and refrain from wearing offensive attire while using the branch facilities.
- Appropriate attire must be worn at all times. Offensive wording on shirts or accessories is inappropriate.
Requests for class and program refunds are processed in the following manner:
- Submit a written request and a copy of the receipt to the program director in charge of the class or program.
- Apply no later than 7 days prior to the start of the program. Refunds are not granted for special events unless otherwise stated.
- Refund options are: Full credit toward a future program, refund to a debit/credit card, EFT refund or a check issued via mail
Programs cancelled by the YMCA equal a full refund except:
- Sports Camps and Camp Sturtevant program refunds are handled by the program directors in charge. Please contact them directly for refund options.
All Y members are issued a membership card when they join.
- Your membership card needs to be scanned at a facility business desk each time you access the Y.
- Scanning cards means better security and better service to our members.
- Please protect your membership investment and present your membership card at each visit.
- There is a $3 fee to issue a replacement card.
- Our mobile app offers members the ability to scan their membership bar code from a mobile phone.
- See Mobile App Instructions
Day Lockers
- Day lockers are available at both branches for those who do not wish to use locker room facilities to shower or change.
- Day lockers may be used for storage of street shoes and other personal belongings.
Locker Room Lockers
- Please bring or rent a padlock at our Member Service Center.
Kit Lockers
- For a monthly fee members are able to rent a locker to keep toiletries and work out clothes at the YMCA.
Unless you have a Kit Locker, nothing can be left at the YMCA overnight. The lock will be cut and locker will be emptied.
Mens & Womens
Locker Room Policy
- There are both men’s and women’s locker rooms available for ages 16 and older.
- Wausau Branch adult locker rooms include saunas and steam rooms.
- Aspirus Branch adult locker rooms include a sauna in the women’s locker room and a steam room in the men’s locker room.
Boys & Girls
Locker Room Policy
- Children 6-15 years of age or adults accompanying children of the same gender as the adult must use the gender specific Boys or Girls locker rooms.
Universal Locker Room Policy
Family & Special Needs
- Children of the opposite gender of the parent or guardian bringing them to the Y, may use the universal locker room with their parent/guardian or the Special Needs locker rooms with their parent/guardian.
- Coed private locker rooms are available at both Y branches for those who need help showering and changing. Families desiring to remain together may use these locker rooms. At the Wausau Branch, please ask for the key to these locker rooms at the Member Service Center prior to usage.