Youth Lobby
Age Requirements:
Under Age 7
Child must be accompanied by a parent or guardian in the Youth Lobby and the YMCA at all times.
Ages 7-9
Parent or guardian MUST remain in the YMCA building at all times.
- Staffed Hour: Youth must be signed-in by a parent or guardian and must remain in the Youth Lobby until parent or guardian returns to sign-out child.
- Open Hour: Parents of 7-9 year olds can leave their child unsupervised in the Youth Lobby.
Ages 10+
Members are welcome to come and go during staffed and open hours.
Youth Lobby Staff:
The Youth Lobby is staffed by positive, caring adults who are trained to work with and engage children and adolescents.
Youth Lobby Attendant: The Youth Lobby is staffed by positive, caring adults who are trained to work with and engage adolescents.
Important to Remember:
- Walking Feet
- Positive and Appropriate Language
- Respectful Behavior Towards Others
- Youth Lobby is: Tobacco Free, Alcohol Free & Drug Free
- Please Be Respectful of: Youth Lobby Equipment, Putting Items Away & Cleaning Up After Yourself
- Drop in the Youth Lobby for: Board games, Homework, Socialization, Table Games, Interactive Activities & Crafts.

Mini Care Hours
For the most up to date information call Member Services 715-845-2177
Monday - ThursdayOpen 8:30 - 4:00 pmStaffed 4:00 - 7:00 pm
Open 7:00 - 8:00 pm
Wednesday & Thursday
Free Arts & Crafts4:00 - 7:00 pm
FridayOpen 8:30 am - 8:00 pm
SaturdayStaffed 8:30 - 11:30 amOpen 11:30 am - 4:00 pm
SundayOpen 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Youth Lobby Guidelines Staff & Youth Must Represent the Core Values of the YMCA:

To put others before yourself, to love others, to be sensitive to the well-being of others, to help others.

To tell the truth, to act in such a way that you are worthy of trust, to have integrity, to make sure your choices match up with your values.

To treat others as you would have them treat you, to value the worth of every person including yourself, to be cordial even if you disagree with someone.

To do what you should, to do what is right, to be accountable for your behavior and obligations.